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Shirasawa K, Fukuoka H, Matsunaga H, Kobayashi Y, Kobayashi I, Hirakawa
H, Isobe S, Tabata S
Genome-wide association studies using single nucleotide polymorphism markers developed by re-sequencing of the genomes of cultivated tomato.
DNA Res. doi: 10.1093/dnares/dst033 -
Shirasawa K, Isobe S, Hirakawa H, Asamizu E, Fukuoka H, Just D, Rothan C, Sasamoto S, Fujishiro T, Kishida Y, Kohara M, Tsuruoka H, Wada T, Nakamura Y, Sato S, Tabata S (2010)
SNP discovery and linkage map construction in cultivated tomato.
DNA Res. 17: 381-391 doi: 10.1093/dnares/dsq024 -
Shirasawa K, Asamizu E, Fukuoka H, Ohyama A, Sato S, Nakamura Y, Tabata S, Sasamoto S, Wada T, Kishida Y, Tsuruoka H, Fujishiro T, Yamada M, Isobe S (2010)
An interspecific linkage map of SSR and intronic polymorphism markers in tomato.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121: 731-739
Marker positions on the genomes
Marker positions on the genomes of the crop represented in this page and/or its relatives