Tomato Marker Database

Tomato genome (SL2.40) list : SL2.40ch09

Order of Tomato markers and tomato gene models

Tomato markers on the Tomato genome (SL2.40)

Total Entries: 2615

Marker Color EST-SNP EST-SSR Genome-SSR Intron-SNP

Marker Name Genome
Evalue Expen2000 AMF2 MMF2
Name Position* Linkage Position Linkage Position Linkage Position
tma0144 SL2.40ch09 11618628 0.0 ch09 49.435
tma0208 SL2.40ch09 35028496 0.0 ch09 52.739
tma0224 SL2.40ch09 35656436 0.0 ch09 52.288
tma0227 SL2.40ch09 14587875 0.0 ch09 52.633
tma0229 SL2.40ch09 67585812 0.0 ch09 109.033
tma0288 SL2.40ch09 15001793 0.0 ch09 45.188
tmb0006 SL2.40ch09 60054962 0.0 ch09 57.192
tmb0033 SL2.40ch09 29295340 0.0 ch09 52.635
tmb0082 SL2.40ch09 16262005 0.0 ch09 52.633
tmb0128 SL2.40ch09 25153013 0.0 ch09 52.287
tme0004 SL2.40ch09 65211469 1e-138 ch09 82.945
tme0014 SL2.40ch09 58817363 0.0 ch09 43.13
tme0035 SL2.40ch09 64071254 0.0 ch09 69.585
tme0072 SL2.40ch09 66372125 0.0 ch09 97.572
tme0123 SL2.40ch09 59693020 0.0 ch09 53.663
* Best match positions of the marker sequences to the genome databases using blastn without filtering query sequence.

Total Entries: 2615

MarkerDB | Solanum lycopersicum