Tomato Marker Database

Tomato genome (SL2.40) list : SL2.40ch08

Order of Tomato markers and tomato gene models

Tomato markers on the Tomato genome (SL2.40)

Total Entries: 1958

Marker Color EST-SNP EST-SSR Genome-SSR Intron-SNP

Marker Name Genome
Evalue Expen2000 AMF2 MMF2
Name Position* Linkage Position Linkage Position Linkage Position
9105_658 SL2.40ch08 62973316 1e-140
TGS10153 SL2.40ch08 62980102 0.0
TES1633 SL2.40ch08 62986776 0.0
1232_657 SL2.40ch08 62986776 0.0
TGS2981 SL2.40ch08 62989382 0.0
TES0789 SL2.40ch08 62996541 1e-144
TGS9875 SL2.40ch08 63022943 0.0
TGS0418 SL2.40ch08 63024187 0.0
* Best match positions of the marker sequences to the genome databases using blastn without filtering query sequence.

Total Entries: 1958

MarkerDB | Solanum lycopersicum