Tomato Marker Database

Tomato genome (SL2.40) list : SL2.40ch10

Order of Tomato markers and tomato gene models

Tomato markers on the Tomato genome (SL2.40)

Total Entries: 1955

Marker Color EST-SNP EST-SSR Genome-SSR Intron-SNP

Marker Name Genome
Evalue Expen2000 AMF2 MMF2
Name Position* Linkage Position Linkage Position Linkage Position
tma0296 SL2.40ch10 29452786 0.0 ch05 81.395
tmb0116 SL2.40ch10 36258670 0.0 ch10 31.819
tmc0040 SL2.40ch10 59187514 0.0 ch10 42.081
tme0013 SL2.40ch10 17701028 0.0 ch01 18.566
U241351 SL2.40ch10 62424595 0.0 ch10 61.649
* Best match positions of the marker sequences to the genome databases using blastn without filtering query sequence.

Total Entries: 1955

MarkerDB | Solanum lycopersicum